You already know that leaving comments at blog posts will get you free links. But page rank of the posts is usually much lower then PR of main page of the blog so the "strength" of that link is weak. However there are sometimes exceptions, and the inner page of the blog is actually more linked to then the blog itself. This happens with truly amazing blog posts but also there is a little secret I am going to tell you.
Blog theme authors like to leave a link to their theme post page in the theme footer and this makes theme posts very high PR. It is not unusual that blog theme posts have PR up to 6 or even 7 for very popular themes. So leaving a comment on the theme post will usually result in a very strong backlink. As always, be polite, use constructive commenting, leave a feedback on the theme or a suggestion for the author. Remember, you always need to give something in order to receive something.
Wordpress being the most popular platform is best source for finding high PR theme posts. You can browse through hundreds of wordpress themes on wordpress site and comment appropriately.
Some of you might be concerned that comment links are "nofollow". Nofollow is a special html tag that should instruct the search engine that the link has no relevancy and it should be ignored. It is usually used on blog comments and links to other irrelevant material. There are experiments that confirm that Google actually ignores nofollow tag so it does not matter if the comments have nofollow or not. But people are skeptics so here is a tip for those of you too.
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