Housing Predictor, which provides housing market forecasts in more than 250 communities in all 50 U.S. states is going interactive. The web site is adding a polling center, where visitors can become part of the community anonymously and provide their opinions on some of the nation’s most important economic issues.
Leaders from Washington D.C. to state and local levels are regularly visiting the site to check on housing market forecasts and gauge the public opinion and sentiment on important issues of the day.
Mortgage companies, including many of the nation’s largest and most troubled are also visiting the site to gain insight into real estate markets.
The levels of government to access the site go as high as Congressional members and the U.S. State Department.
Housing Predictor provides regularly updated housing market forecasts in all 50 states and follows the changing local economic climates of more than 250 markets on an on-going basis. Information is gathered from more than 1,400 sources nationwide.
The new polling center will regularly survey visitors on a variety of issues and in April starts with questions on loan fraud, which has swept the nation and poses the threat of economic damage to the nation. The FBI says loan fraud has hit epidemic proportions. Foreclosures in the residential market are at all-time highs.
Congressional hearings have already been held on the lending markets and much of the blame for the crisis is already being laid on the sub-prime lending market. More than a dozen sub-prime lenders have already gone out of business or are facing bankruptcy.
Congress has held hearings in order to gather information on the crisis. Now Housing Predictor wants to know what you think about the crisis and its fall out. Become part of the solution in this technological era by making your votes count.
Critics say the volume of paperwork forced on mortgage borrowers has confused the public to the point where many do not even understand what they are signing when they obtain a mortgage.
Many loan packages contain 200 pages or more of forms and other paperwork to obtain a loan.
Social Scientific research has been blossoming on the Internet for years and now Housing Predictor takes a leading role on gaining insight into the nation’s growing economic problems.
The interactive polls on the site provide a way for anyone and everyone to participate, and take part anonymously so that the accuracy of the polling information is likely to be the most dependable.
Knowingly or unknowingly tens of thousands of mortgage borrowers, perhaps even more, have taken part in loan fraud schemes to cause the present conditions. Everyone wants to know how widespread that it is to come up with solutions.
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